Provides the intelligent and effective Wi-Fi solution and provide effortless meshing ability.


At Ruckus Wireless, we breed specific Smart Wi-Fi products for specific applications. We

call it purpose-built Wi-Fi. It's a different approach from those other companies, who build general-purpose systems,

then try to convince you that they were designed precisely for your needs.


Our Smart Wi-Fi systems aren't developed on some research wonk's theoretical postulations, but rather on specific

levels of performance, functionality, and capabilities—for the markets that require them.

Enterprise WLANs Robust, secure, scalable and reliable centrally- managed WLANs that fit within any existing

network architecture.


SME/Branch Office Simpler and more reliable WLANs that deploy faster, cost less, improve performance — and can

actually be installed by you.


Smart Hotspots/Hot-Zones The next phase of

broadband operator Wi-Fi like VoIP over Wi-Fi,

multicast IP-based video (IPTV), and tiered

Wi-Fi services.


Triple-Play Carrier Services Voice, video,

data, and wireless—all with greater range,

strong performance, and extended management capabilities.


 Wireless Broadband Access Extending fixed line broadband access with low-cost, centrally managed Smart Wi-Fi.

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